class: center, middle, inverse, title-slide # Alignments, Quirks, and Assembly ##
Nanopore NZ ### Alexis Lucattini ### Wed 16th April 2018 --- # Nanopore Overview .pull-left[ .baby-bear[ ## Pros: Ultra-long reads. Low-cost. Large Community support Quick library prep ] ] .pull-right[ .baby-bear[ ## Cons: Low accuracy. Low yield. Systematic bias - homopolymers. Sample Specific. ] ] --- # Alignment algorithms Initially limited, due to unique sequencing error parameters. .baby-bear[ * LAST was the first best choice. + Still very useful for metagenomics.<br><br> * Bwa mem with optimised parameters. + -ont2d option equivalent to "-k14 -W20 -r10 -A1 -B1 -O1 -E1 -L0"<br><br> * Minimap2 with the map-ont option. + Equivalent to "-k15" ] --- # Flags and Tags .small[ Each alignment have set flags and tags. This allows you to group reads/alignments based on certain conditions. * Flags provide a boolean value for a given condition - True/False. + *range: 0-255.* + *Boolean combinations for eight attributes.*<br><br> * Tags can be optional and hold any type of information. + *int, boolean, string*<br><br> * Many flags/tags are illumina-sequencing specific: + *paired end* ] --- ## Important tags to look at for nanopore sequencing .pull-left[ .small[ * NM tags + The edit distance between alignment and sequence. * MD tag + Verbose version of the cg tag (CIGAR string) of an alignment + Provides SNP/indel information + Alignment only - no soft-clip/hard-clip information + Insertions are not recorded. Info [here]( ] ] .pull-right[ <table class="table" style="font-size: 20px; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;"> <tbody> <tr> <td style="text-align:left;font-family: monospace;"> REF </td> <td style="text-align:left;font-family: monospace;"> TAA-GCAAGGTCG </td> </tr> <tr> <td style="text-align:left;font-family: monospace;"> </td> <td style="text-align:left;font-family: monospace;"> ||||||||||||| </td> </tr> <tr> <td style="text-align:left;font-family: monospace;"> READ </td> <td style="text-align:left;font-family: monospace;"> TATGGCA--GTCG </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> .small[ * A CIGAR string + `3M1I3M2D2M4` * An MD string equivalent + `2MA3^AG4` * A CS tag (See next page) + `:2*AT+G:3-AG:4` ] ] --- # The CS tag and MD tag .pull-left[ .baby-bear[ * CS tag - verbose version of MD tag + Easier for parsing. + Relatively new. + MD tag still required for some parsers. + Pipe through `samtools calmd` prior to sorting. ] ] .pull-right[ .baby-bear[ * CS tag example: + `:6-ata:10+gtc:4*at:3` + `:[0-9]+ is an identical block` + '-[ACTG]+ is a deletion` + '+[ACTG]+ is an insersion + '*XY' is a substitution with base X subsituted for base y. ] ] --- # Alignments in Minimap2 .pull-left[ .baby-bear[ * .large[Supplementary alignments]: + Definition: A segment of the read which is (mostly) non overlapping the primary alignment that aligns to an alternative position in the genome. + Cases: * Structural variation. * Chimeric reads.<br><br> ] ] .pull-right[ .baby-bear[ * .large[Secondary alignments]: + Definition: A segment of the read which provides an alternative alignment to the primary. + Cases: * Repeat regions of the genome. * Primary alignment may still span both flanks.<br><br> ] ] --- # Some alignment quirks. Using pysam, I found a high ratio of discordant to concordant reads. These supplementary alignments also overlap the primary read. .center[<img src=./images/primary_vs_supps.png width=38%>] --- # Two main common assembler types: * de-Bruijn graphs * OLC - Overlap-layout-consensus ??? --- # Assembly lingo .small[ * k-mer: + A sequence of length k.<br><br> * Node: + A short sequence or k-mer within the assembly that can be linked to other sequences.<br><br> * Edges: + A link between two sequences that have evidence of overlap.<br><br> * Graphs: + A visual representation of the sequence using edges and nodes.<br><br> ] --- # Assembly lingo 2 .pull-left[ * Contig: .small[ + An unambiguous* contiguous assembled sequence of the genome. ]<br><br> * Scaffold: .small[ + A collection of contigs with known orientation. ] ] .pull-right[ .center[ <img src="images/scaffolds.png" width="100%"> ] .tiny[Image credit [Torsten Seeman](] ] --- # Expectations vs Realities .center[ <img src="images/lots_of_edges.png" width="55%"> ] --- # Assembly issues .pull-left[ *Difficult*: .small[ * Parallelisation is non-trivial. * Non-linear complexity. + Each read is compared to each other read for overlaps. * non-haploid genomes are troublesome. ] ] .pull-right[ *Impossible where*: .small[ * Repeat-length > read-length ] ] .small[ *The following slides have been inspired by Ben Langmead's lecture series, which you can find [here](* ] --- ### Assembly Approach 1: De-Bruijn graphs .pull-left[ .small[ * Pronounced 'D-Brown' + .tiny[source unknown, and irrelevant fact]<br><br> * k-mer based path to infer assembly.<br><br> * Genome: + `a_long_long_long_time`<br><br> * `k=5` ] ] .pull-right[ .center[<img src="images/de_bruijn_graphs.png" width="35%">] ] --- ### Assembly Approach 1: De-Bruijn graphs .pull-left[ .baby-bear[ **Pros** Fast! - complexities: + Space is `O(N)` + Build time is `O(N)` ] ] .pull-right[ **Cons** .baby-bear[ * Can't resolve repeats well. + Bound by k-mer size. Always less than read-length. * Difficulty with read-errors. + Exacerbated by PCR-amplification bias. ]] --- ## Assembly Approach 2: OLC. .pull-left[ .baby-bear[ 1. Build an overlap graph: + Locally align prefix of read X to suffix of read Y. 2. Convert overlap stretches into contigs. 3. Run a pileup consensus on the reads mapping to each contig. ] ] .pull-right[ .center[<img src="images/prefix_suffix.png", width="60%">] ] --- ## Assembly Approach 2: OLC. .pull-left[ **Pros** 1. Less sensitive to sequencing errors. 2. Handles larger repeats 3. Low specificity can bubbles. ] .pull-right[ **Cons** 1. Overlapping reads is slow. + Non-linear time complexity + `O(N^2); N=Num reads.` 2. Low specificity can cause graph errors. ] --- # Incomplete assemblies. .pull-left[ ## Useful for: * Gene quantification. * SNP detection. ] .pull-right[ ## Work needed: * Structural annotation. * Structural translocations. * Copy number variation. ] --- ## Assembly with long-read sequencing. Long read platforms: .tiny[That I'm familiar with] + 10X Chromium. + PacBio. + Nanopore. --- ## PacBio Circular Consensus sequencing. .pull-left[ .baby-bear[ * Increases accuracy. * Minimal sequencing bias. * Insert length != Subread length. * Gold standard for de novo assemblies. + But expensive cost-per-base. ] ] .pull-right[ .center[<img src="" width="100%">] ] --- # 10X Chromium. .pull-left[ .baby-bear[ * Long-reads + Illumina level accuracy!<br><br> * Bioinformatics rapidly improving<br><br> * Some regions - long stetches of short tandem repeats still unsolvable.<br><br> ] ] .pull-right[ .center[<img src="./images/linked_reads.png" width="90%">] ] --- ## Nanopore sequencing .small[for large genomes.] .pull-left[ ## Pros .baby-bear[ * Low capital cost. * Ultra-long reads can scaffold Illumina sequences. ] ] .pull-right[ ## Cons .baby-bear[ * Low accuracy requires lower alignment stringency => greater cpu-hours. * Systematic bias provides issues with genomic assemblies. * Best with hybrid approach. ] ] --- # Real-world np assemblers ## Miniasm Fast and dirty - OLC. Little consensus done. ## Canu Forked from Celera assembler - OLC. CPU heavy - Human Genome ~ 60'000 cpu hours! --- # A hybrid approach! Unicycler: .baby-bear[ * illumina-only + **SPAdes** + custom overlap trimming & bridging * de-novo + **miniasm** + **racon** polishing * hybrid + **miniasm** + **racon** on anchor contigs + bridging. ] --- # The PromethION! Kit-9, sample sensitive, great N50! .pull-left[ <img src=./images/prom.yield.png width=80%> ] .pull-right[ <img src=./images/prom.hist.png width=80%> ] --- # Our NGS Pool-Party! .pull-left[ .small[ **Whole Genome Sequencing** * minimum 1 sample submission + .baby-bear[100 Gb/sample or 50 Gb/sample] * TruSeq DNA Nano or TruSeq DNA PCR-free sample prep **Whole Exome Sequencing** * minimum 6 samples * SureSelect XT2 Human All Exon v6 .baby-bear[(58Mb)] * 6 Gb per sample .baby-bear[(100X raw cov.)] ] ] .pull-right[ .small[ **RNA-Seq** * min 24 sample submission, in multiples of 24 * 100bp Single Read * 20M reads per sample * raw data (FASTQ) * restrictions: human and mouse only ] ] --- class: genomics-innovation-hub, gih-slide-number # Hub Goals * Building innovation ecosystems. * Stepping up to the innovation challenge. * Providing access to state-of-the-art technologies * Managing cost efficiency .pull-right[ Contact: <a href="">Azadeh Saedi</a> .kinda-small[Website: <a href=""></a>]] ??? * Building innovation ecosystems: + through common research, collaboration, education and technology development. * Stepping up to the innovation challenge: + bringing resources together to diffuse cutting-edge genomic technologies. * Providing access to state-of-the-art technologies: + access to Australia's first 10X Genomics Chromium system, as well as early access to cutting-edge technologies such as the Oxford Nanopore Technologies PromethION. * Managing cost efficiency: + open access to a portfolio of cutting-edge technologies and competencies. --- # Thank yous. .pull-left[ .baby-bear[ * R&D: + Azadeh Saedi + Ken McGrath + Kirby Siemering + Lavinia Gordon * Lab Ops: + Matthew Tinning * IT: + Chris Hunt + Douglas Morrison + Gismon Thomas * PR: + Desley Pitcher ] ] .pull-right[ .baby-bear[ * WEHI + Matthew Ritchie + Quentin Gouil + Scott Gigante + Chris Woodruff ] ]